[Mailman-Users] Mailman and Qmail (wont deliver offsite)

Michael C. Brenner mbrenner at naviant.com
Wed Mar 13 13:55:37 CET 2002

I fixed mine (qmail on FreeBSD) by allowing localhost to relay. I added the 
following to the top of /etc/hosts.allow

tcp-env: 127. : setenv RELAYCLIENT

This command allows access for tcp-env (the tcp wrapper in inetd.conf for 
smtp) from 127.x.x.x subnet and from my local ip address If I 
had multiple local servers, I might have made it 10.11.12 so any host on 
the 10.11.12.x subnet could relay locally. See the README.QMAIL in your 
install directory.

At 04:43 PM 3/11/2002, Elizabeth Strumph wrote:
>I've setup mailman with qmail on openBSD. I am able
>to receive mail on the host, and to send mail offsite.
>I can also subscribe to Mailman lists etc. if I do
>so from a user on the machine running mailman.
>When a user from another domain tries to subscribe,
>either through the web interface or through
>listname-request, nothing happens.
>Looking through /var/spool/mailman/logs/bounce when
>I tried to subscribe abu at bar.com (what is 'first' ?):
>Mar 11 16:50:39 2002 (14901) Test:abu at bar.com - first
>Nothing shows up in /var/log/maillog when this happns,
>though if the req came from localhost, I would see
>sensible logs there.
>Thanks much in advance,
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