[Mailman-Users] Re: Feedback needed: nodupes patch and reply-to munging per user

Fil fil at rezo.net
Mon Mar 11 21:54:27 CET 2002

@ Marc MERLIN <marc_news at vasoftware.com> :
> If you think the  patch is stupid and shouldn't be in  mailman, you can tell
> us that too :-)

If you want opinions, here's mine: I want to receive two copies if I'm CCed.
Not as an option, but as something I can rely upon. Because you never know
if the 'list' message went through or was intercepted by the system, the
moderator or whomever came in for it. You subscribe, you receive. Final
point (for me as a user and as a listmaster).

If I want to remove duplicates, there's a three line procmail recipe that
does it perfectly (I'm told).

Let's see the problem otherwise. If a user does not receive its copy through
the list, s/he'll write to the listmaster to ask "why?". I don't want these
questions! If their expectations are that they can ask this from a
listserver, they'll also expect it to work 100%, which cannot be guaranteed.

Lots of trouble for something only "hackers" might want - and hackers have

-- Fil

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