[Mailman-Users] Filtering postings

William Waggoner greybeard at pobox.com
Sun Mar 10 01:42:55 CET 2002

I am converting from majordomo to mailman, mostly for the benefit of the integrated web pages as well as the promise of the new archiving features.  I'm running 2.0.8 right now.

What I'd like to do is to add to the admin filtering capabilities to be able to filter on messages, for instance, that contain the phrase /virus warning/i  or similar phrases.

I admit I haven't dug into 2.1 yet as I wanted to get my production lists up on 2.0.8 first.  I didn't want to expose them to a beta release.  So if this is something in 2.1 or the wish list then just let me know.

I'm also interested in getting involved in the development of mailman.  I have a long background (30 years, really!) in systems programming, what's the "right" way to become involved?  Off-list replies to this topic would be appreciated.

Bill W
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