[Mailman-Users] Can you set a list's password via the command line?

James Madill James.Madill at duke.edu
Fri Mar 8 03:43:38 CET 2002

In moving the 175 mailing lists from one machine (version 2.0.1)  to 
another (version 2.0.8), all of the list passwords are no longer working.

Is there a way to set a list's password via the command line?  I'd hate to 
have to manually set each one & send it to the list admin(s).

-- James

      o o o o o o o . . .   _______________________ _______=======_T___
    o      _____            |James Madill         | |Duke Univ Med Ctr|
 >.][__n_n_| D[  ====|____  |james.madill at duke.edu| | (919) 286-6384  |
 _/oo  O-O-O  `  oo     oo  'o^o^o           o^o^o` 'o^o           o^o`
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