[Mailman-Users] No such user...

Chris Hedemark chris at yonderway.com
Fri Mar 1 18:07:01 CET 2002

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 21:42, Will Nordmeyer wrote:
> Got mailman 2.0.6 installed
> Sendmail 8.9.3
> Apache 1.3.6

You're probably going to want to upgrade all of these.  Mailman 2.0.8 is
the latest, and fixes some known security issues so you'll definitely
want to upgrade.

I noticed you're running on a Cobalt RAQ.  This is one of the major
problems I've found with that platform.  They don't provide up-to-date
packages for the major software on that system.

I've done a couple of RAQ implementations of Mailman and it isn't fun. 
You spend most of your time getting everything else up to date and even
then Mailman itself takes more time than usual.  Stick with it, it is
possible.  If you get really stuck you can contact me privately and I
can do this for you as a professional service.

> Did a restart of sendmail

Not necessary, but okay.

> When I e-mail to testlist-admin at mydomain.com
> The following entry goes into in my maillog
> Feb 26 21:30:03 raq sendmail[8780]: VAA08780:
> <testlist-admin at willspc.net>... No such user here
> What didn't I do?  What am I missing?  HELP!!! :-D

You created a list called "templist" and emailed the owner of
"testlist".  ;-)

> And on a side note, is there a browser interface for creating a new list
> somewhere?  I REALLY would rather not do it manually for each client.
> :-)

Not yet.

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