[Mailman-Users] nested lists

Larry Guest larry at guestfamily.com
Mon Jun 17 22:55:08 CEST 2002

I will be setting up mailman using lists to send mail to lists.  I only want
lists members to be able to post.  So mailman needs to look down the chain
of lists and make sure that the right people can posts to the list.  It must
be able to do this but I am not 100% sure what to change in the config so it
works. As an example "user1" needs to post to the "corp-eng" department for
which he is a member in the "corp-eng-ca" office.  The post needs to hit
everyone in the "corp-eng" lists.  The architecture will look like this.

	corp-eng-ca		corp-eng-ny		corp-eng-ws
		user1			user1			user1
		user2			user2			user2
		user3			user3

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