[Mailman-Users] problems

camelia camelia at wicc.weizmann.ac.il
Thu Jun 6 12:24:50 CEST 2002


My name is Camelia Botez and I'm system admin in Weizmann Institute.
A couple of weeks ago I installed mailman  on our webserver ( we intend
to use the same server for web and mail).
Our webserver is outside the firewall  (on dmz) and when I try to send
e-mail to one of the lists
I don't get back any error message ( in fact the messages I get suggest
that the mail was sent
successfuly) but noone from the list get sany e-mail.
I tried  the same thing from inside firewall and works.
It is possible that the wrapper program works on a specific port or
doesn't know how to pass the firewall ?

Thank you

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