[Mailman-Users] digest sent to entire list, why?

Steven Shults hostmaster at shults.org
Wed Jun 5 04:36:01 CEST 2002


I'm running 2.0.11

One of my new lists sent the first digest to the list posting address
from listname-admin at hostname.tld 'on behalf of'
listname-request at hostname.tld
to listname at hostname.tld

Coincidentally(?) the time stamp matched that of a post I had approved
and which was sent at the same time as the digest.  It was a simple
plain text post I'd approved (mime is disabled for the list in

My impression had been, from the digest settings I'd chosen in the admin
webgui, that the digest would only be sent to list members who had opted
to receive the digest instead of separate posts.  I'm baffled by the
digest having been mailed to the list posting address and therefore all
members of the list.  (and a thought which just came to mind, will the
digest be included in the next digest since it went to the list address?

I've searched the admin webgui settings and found nothing, I've read the
readmes and found nothing, I searched
http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py with all the strings and search
types I could think of and came up with nothing.  I browsed through the
TOC there and found nothing.

What am I overlooking?  How do I prevent the digest from being sent to
the entire list via the list's posting address?  I had 7 unsubs within
10 minutes of that going out, so I'd like to prevent a repeat.


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