AW: [Mailman-Users] List-Admin

Michael Maurer m.maurer at
Wed Jul 31 12:27:04 CEST 2002

Hi allan

Thank you for your answer.

> yes as list administrator you can subscribe users by going to the web
> interface and mass subscribing them without requiring any 
> confirmation or
> approval.

OK, I know that.
But this is not a problem, but it is not what i want.

> sorry can't quite understand by what you meant on your next 
> question.
> and from my understanding you want that whenever a list administrator
> pre-subscribed users to his/her mailing list.
> it would still require an approval? 

I want that a "administrator" subscribe a new user by "email",
NOT by webinterface.
Example: "subscribe password nodigest address=xyz at".
that run's OK, no problem.

But i did'nt want that i must, as "administrator", 
approve this subscribing.

Michael Maurer

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