[Mailman-Users] Re: Understanding "nomail"

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Mon Jul 29 17:28:51 CEST 2002

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> In MM2.0.x you can't know why the flag was enabled, so in general I
> don't think it's a great idea to just toggle the flag off and start
> delivering mail to all your users.  You could write a script that
> trolls through the membership, looking for folks with that flag set
> and then send them a specific reminder, but that's a fair bit of work.

I see. That's in fact not too easy.

> MM2.1 is, of course, much better.  Not only do you now know exactly
> why that flag was flipped, but there's a cron script that you can use
> to do the "hey, your subscription is disabled" reminder.  When you
> upgrade to MM2.1, anybody who's flag is currently set unfortunately
> gets the "unknown" reason for the flag, but you can tell the cron
> script to start notifying the unknown-disables and then after X number
> of notifications, delete them or whatever you want.

So I should move to MM2.1 ASAP. :-)

Thanks a lot for the enlightment,
and congrats for the great improvements in Mailman!
It appears that it has blown away Majordomo almost

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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