[Mailman-Users] 2.1b2 pipermail private archives content-type bug?

Jason Wright peewee at scc.mi.org
Sat Jul 27 00:04:23 CEST 2002

i have a fresh install of 2.1b2 up and running under debian/woody.
i'm looking to migrate a list that's currently running under majordomo
for which i have almost five years of accumulated archives.  i'm trying
2.1b2 rather than 2.0.12 primarily because i hope to replace my cobbled
web archives with the mailman builtin.  this is a closed, private list
and binary attachements are on-charter, so the 2.0.x pipermail won't work
for me.  the installation itself went smoothly and everything appears to
be working.  the only hitch i found was when i went to test pipermail's
new mime decoding:

balance: ] mutt -a sacred_chao.jpg -s sacred_chao.jpg \
	scc-l at manos.scc.mi.org

when the archives are public, the resulting attachement link in the
achives works fine, which is to say that the content-type is set by
apache to image/jpeg.  however, when the archives are private, the
content-type for the attachement gets set to text/html, which causes
it not to display properly when loaded.  this is the case whether i
initially make the archives private or i make them public to begin with
and switch them to private after posting the message.  as far as i can
tell, when the archives are private, the content-type is getting set by
~mailman/cgi-bin/private as a cgi and not by apache's mime-types setting
for .jpg files.  is that the case?

of course, i want private archives, not public.

the only references to mailman in httpd.conf are the ones required
by the INSTALL file:

ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/
<Directory /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/>
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
Alias /pipermail/ /usr/local/mailman/var/archives/public/
<Directory /usr/local/mailman/var/archives/public>
    Options FollowSymLinks

i've searched google, the mailman-users archives and the sourceforce
bugs page for this, and i didn't come up with anything.  i could always
hook in mhonarc, but i really don't have very extravagent needs for
the archives, aside from downloadable links to binary attachements,
so i'd like to stay as simple as possible.  thanks!


smtp: peewee+sig at scc.mi.org http: http://www.scc.mi.org/peewee/ aim: antipwe
"her mom didn't know we were going out, and was worried that I was a rapist,
or a pornographer, or sysadmin, or something like that."     --ryan p. zerby

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