[Mailman-Users] Unsub Issues

Charles Sebold sebold at lcms.org
Wed Jul 24 15:41:31 CEST 2002

On 15 Av 5762, Odhiambo Washington wrote:

> when a user unsubscribes, it sends the goodbye_msg BUT in that message
> (in the body) it puts all the normal list headers - now I don't like
> this. How do I change that?
> I only want the goodbye_msg. the headers are supposed to be restricted
> to being headers, yes?

I found that I had to add an extra newline to make it work, at the
bottom of the goodbye_msg.  (Actually I patched the source to make the
extra newline automatic, but I'm not near that server to generate a diff
right now.)

As a workaround, have the users add an extra newline at the bottom of
goodbye_msg, or two, and see if that helps.
Charles Sebold          Microsoft delenda est           15th of Av, 5762
LCMS - Office of Information Systems             http://tsdocs.lcms.org/
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