[Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Extending mailman (adding config options)

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Wed Jul 17 22:34:24 CEST 2002

>>>>> "LB" == Laurence Berland <laurence at digitalpulp.com> writes:

    LB> Those of you following my previous emails (lamentably
    LB> unanswered so far) will already know that I'm trying to extend
    LB> mailman to add color-coded graphics to the archives to parse
    LB> logwatch emails and such more efficiently.

    LB> I'd like to have this configurable from the archive options
    LB> page, so I was wondering what the standard structure for
    LB> adding options is.  Is there a premade set of mailman
    LB> functions for extending this in a standard and non-kldugy way,
    LB> and are they accessible as is from HyperArch.py?

I'm not totally sure what you're asking about, but there is definitely
a recipe for adding new mailing list configuration options.

Briefly outlined:

- Decide on an attribute name (or names if there are more than one).
  Be sure they don't collide with existing names.

- Decide what the data type will be ("bool", int, strings) -- for
  simplicity try to stick to one of the 13 existing "Enumeration for
  Mailman cgi widget types" defined in Defaults.py.in

- Add attribute init code for newly created lists.  For
  archiver/pipermail options, these would go in Archiver.InitVars() in

- Add support for "schema updating" for existing lists.  If you're
  adding new config options, this probably means adding a few lines to
  NewVars() in Mailman/versions.py

- Bump the DATA_FILE_VERSION so the schemas will auto-update on next
  MailList object load.

- Add the gui goo (i.e. the widget descriptions).  For the archiver
  admin page, you're talking about adding to the returned list in
  Archive.GetConfigInfo() in Mailman/Gui/Archive.py.


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