Fwd: Re: [Mailman-Users] Modifying mailman to filter archived messages

Laurence Berland laurence at digitalpulp.com
Tue Jul 16 17:52:06 CEST 2002

I'm currently thinking the _get_body function in HyperArch.py would be the
most ideal place to do this sort of thing, but I'm really not positive.  Any


On Monday 15 July 2002 11:10 am, Laurence Berland wrote:
> All,
> 	I'm trying to modify mailman to simplify some tasks.  Currently, sysadmins
> get various emails from LogWatch every day or so that need to be read
> through in depth and then saved to some mailbox somewhere.  This both takes
> a lot of time and creates lots of private copies of these messages, which
> is bad. The simple part of this is to instead have the emails go to a
> mailman list that these people may or may not choose to subscribe to, so
> that mailman will archive the messages and let people choose whether or not
> to receive them without the intervention of others.  The tough part is
> status coding.  I've already modified LogWatch (and will modify other
> email-sending scripts such as our backup scripts) to code certain lines
> based on whether or not they require attention.  Example 0: means "fine" or
> "green" and 2: means "trouble" or "red".  What I'd like mailman to do is
> trap these strings such as "0:" "1:" etc and replace them with something
> else.  Is there a particularl easy way to do this?  If not, where in the
> code could I conceivably do this.  I've been briefly skimming the code, and
> intend to read through quite a bit of it to figure all this out, but if
> anyone could at least point me in the right direction it'd make me very
> happy.
> Thanks for your help,
> Laurence Berland
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