[Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman not being nice...

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Thu Jan 10 04:19:27 CET 2002

>>>>> "TD" == Terry Davis <tdavis at birddog.com> writes:

    TD> Mailman is using hostname.domain.com as the domain of the
    TD> lists.  Like listname-request at hostname.domain.com versus using
    TD> what I have specified in my mm_cfg.py file.

One thing to remember is that the lists' database cache values such as
the "web page url" and the hostname.  So once a list is created,
setting these in mm_cfg.py won't help.  In Mailman 2.0.x you can
change them through the web (but be careful because if you mess up
web_page_url you're list will be unaccessible from the web).

In Mailman 2.1, you can change hostname (i.e. the host part of email
addresses) through the web but not web_page_url (the prefix of the
url), so you'll have to change the latter from the command line.


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