[Mailman-Users] byte-compiling mm_cfg.py?

Charles Sebold sebold at lcms.org
Wed Feb 27 15:56:03 CET 2002

On 14 Adar 5762, John W. Baxter wrote:

>>I would think not, unless one were prepared to recompile it every time
>>mm_cfg.py is changed.  Is that correct?
> Let Python do its thing.  When a module is imported (which is what
> mm_cfg.py is and what happens to it in Mailman), and Python finds a
> .pyc file with a modified date older than that of the .py file, the
> .pyc is remade.
> It's not supposed to be possible to import a stale .pyc file.  BUT...I
> suspect that with a little help from the touch command, one could
> confuse things.  (Modify the .py file, then set its modified date back
> using touch.  Don't do this for mission critical code.)

Thanks for the tip, I thought I remembered somebody saying that.

What happens if the .py and .pyc are owned by root:root, perm 644, and
Mailman is not running as root (of course)?  That's how Debian sets it
up.  Would Python import the .py or the .pyc, since it shouldn't be able
to remake the .pyc automatically?
Charles Sebold                                        15th of Adar, 5762
LCMS - Office of Information Systems                http://unix.ois.org/
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