[Mailman-Users] byte-compiling mm_cfg.py?

Charles Sebold sebold at lcms.org
Tue Feb 26 21:50:19 CET 2002

Should mm_cfg.py be byte-compiled?

I would think not, unless one were prepared to recompile it every time
mm_cfg.py is changed.  Is that correct?

(Debian's default install allows one to recompile changed Python source
by running "dpkg-reconfigure mailman", and it will automatically
generate a .pyc of your mm_cfg file; when I realized that, I wondered if
perhaps some of my old options were being propagated in place of newer
Charles Sebold                                        14th of Adar, 5762
LCMS - Office of Information Systems                http://unix.ois.org/
        *** Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily ***
        *** those of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ***

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