[Mailman-Users] Mail Threads

Bodnyk, Bruce W BBodnyk at fciconnect.com
Mon Feb 18 20:01:01 CET 2002


I just got Mailman up and running. I've been doing some testing by posting
messages to a
list I created and then replying to them. I see that Mailman maintains an
archive that you
can view in a variety of different ways one of which is by thread.

I would have expected that replies to a thread to be indented but all the
postings and replies
are lined up starting at the same column of the page. Does something need to
be done to
enable replies to a posting to be indented or does Mailman just not do this?


Bruce W. Bodnyk
Staff Engineer, CAE Development
FCI Electronics
825 Old Trail Road
Etters, PA 17319-9351

Phone: (717) 938-7543
Fax: (717) 938-7224
E-Mail: bbodnyk at fciconnect.com

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