[Mailman-Users] goodbye_msg problem?

Charles Sebold sebold at lcms.org
Tue Feb 12 20:41:45 CET 2002

On 26 Shevat 5762, Charles Sebold wrote:

> When one of our lists has the following as goodbye_msg, it breaks the
> unsubscribe message.  Some of the headers are inserted _after_ the
> goodbye message.  Any ideas?  Running Debian's Mailman 2.0.8 from
> woody.

No responses from the list, but I found a workaround for now, until I
learn enough Python to prepare a patch.  (Thank heaven for free
software!  Without the source I wouldn't have had any idea where to

For goodbye messages to work, start the goodbye message with two blank
lines.  The web interface appears to drop one of them, and you are left
with one.  Then goodbye messages will work.

I guess the algorithm that determines where to put the headers in the
final outgoing email gets confused, since wrapping the goodbye_msg
removes the starting CR?  Maybe I'm confused but I think I'm on the
right track.
Charles Sebold                                      30th of Shevat, 5762
LCMS - Office of Information Systems                http://unix.ois.org/
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