[Mailman-Users] Point directly to listinfo

Richard Barrett R.Barrett at ftel.co.uk
Wed Feb 6 18:33:26 CET 2002

At 11:45 06/02/2002 -0500, Lafleur Maurice wrote:

>The list server I am setting up is only used for lists. I want the default 
>page from apache to be my.server.org/mailman/listinfo directly. I tried to 
>make a symlink between /var/www/html/index.html and 
>/home/mailmna/cgi-bin/listinfo :
>ln -s /home/mailman/cgi-bin/listinfo /var/www/html/index.html

This will not work as you are trying to link a static page to a cgi script. 
The link is fine but Apache cannot interpret this as you want.

Asdsuming you have mod_rewrite installed, the following Apache re-write 
rules will work to "transparently" redirect the URI '/' and '/index.html' 
to the cgi-script

RewriteRule ^/$ /mailman/listinfo [PT]
RewriteRule ^/index.html$ /mailman/listinfo [PT]

Whether you will get any knock-on problems with the browser interpreting 
relative links on the pages returned incorrectly is another issue. If that 
happens your may want to use the rewrite rules to redirect / and /index.html:

RewriteRule ^/$ /mailman/listinfo [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/index.html$ /mailman/listinfo [R,L]

>but I get a Mailman CGI error page when I browse my server.
>If I access 
>directly it works fine.
>I know it is something real simple and obvious but I can't seem to think 
>strait today.
>Maurice G. Lafleur  +------------------------------------------------+
>Teacher             + Voice: +1(819).778.2270 X1412                  +
>Heritage College    + Fax:   +1(819).776.7364                        +
>325 Cite des Jeunes + mailto: mlafleur at cegep-heritage.qc.ca          +
>Hull. Qc.           +------------------------------------------------+
>J8Y 6T3

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