[Mailman-Users] MM2.1 Upgrading trouble.

Marco Trevisan | Bazzmann.Com info at bazzmann.com
Tue Dec 31 18:40:51 CET 2002

Hi all!
I just finished upgrading from 2.0.13 to 2.1 stable. It works
ok (great work guys!), but when I send a post to pre-created
mailing list, QMail returns me a message like this:

"<humana at bazzmann.com>:
preline: fatal: unable to run /usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper: file does 
not exist"

I have to create again the same list or there is a tool that I
don't see yet? I have correctly execute crontab -u  and qrunner.

Thanks in advance,

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