[Mailman-Users] Re: upgrade problem

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Mon Dec 30 02:54:51 CET 2002

    | $ bin/check_perms -f
    | directory permissions must be 02775:
    | /usr/local/mailman/lists/starrymessenger/en (fixing)

    | Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "bin/check_perms", line 349, in ?
    |     checkall()
    |   File "bin/check_perms", line 167, in checkall
    |     os.path.walk(d, checkwalk, STATE)
    |   File "/usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py", line 287, in walk
    |     walk(name, func, arg)
    |   File "/usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py", line 287, in walk
    |     walk(name, func, arg)
    |   File "/usr/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py", line 279, in walk
    |     func(arg, top, names)
    |   File "bin/check_perms", line 123, in checkwalk
    |     os.chmod(path, mode | targetperms)
    | OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted:
    | '/usr/local/mailman/lists/starrymessenger/en'

You probably need to be root to do this.

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