[Mailman-Users] How can I modify the text of confirm and welcomemessages.

Levine, Jenny levinej at SLS.LIB.IL.US
Mon Dec 16 18:18:51 CET 2002

> > I'd like to send edited (simpler) versions of the standard messages
> > currently sent out by Mailman to request confirmation and to welcome
> > confirmed new list subscribers. How can I edit the text? 
> I'd like a feature
> > much like I can edit the HTML on the listinfo page.
> Take a look at $MAILMANHOME/templates/

	Is there a way to do this on a list-by-list basis? It looks to me like I can only do this globally in the templates directory. TIA,

Jenny Levine
Internet Development Specialist
Suburban Library System
125 Tower Dr., Burr Ridge, IL  60527
levinej at sls.lib.il.us
+1 (630) 734 5141

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