[Mailman-Users] broken scripts

Tom Shore tshore at td.rutgers.edu
Mon Dec 9 23:09:31 CET 2002

I'm not entirely certain if this is the right forum for this question, one
of the Python lists may be better, but ah well.

I'm attempting to get Mailman 2.0.13 working on a Sun machine running
Solaris 2.8, Apache 1.3.23, and Python 2.2.2.

I've installed both mailman and python from source and set up the various
permissions for mailman correctly. When trying to look at
http://my.server/mailman/listinfo/ with my browser I get a page saying:

	Bug in Mailman version 2.0.13

	We're sorry, we hit a bug!

	Please inform the webmaster for this site of this problem.
	Printing of traceback and other system information has been
	explicitly inhibited, but the webmaster can find this information
	in the Mailman error logs. 

There wasn't anything in the mailman error logs, but there was an entry in
apache's logs:

[----- Mailman Version: 2.0.13 -----]
[----- Traceback ------]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/scripts/driver", line 66, in run_main
    from Mailman.Logging.StampedLogger import StampedLogger
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Logging/StampedLogger.py", line 18, in
    import time
ImportError: No module named time
[----- Python Information -----]
sys.version    = 2.2.2 (#3, Dec  9 2002, 13:36:26)
[GCC 2.8.1]
sys.executable = /usr/local/bin/python
sys.prefix     = /usr/local
sys.exec_prefix= /usr/local/python
sys.path       = /usr/local/python
sys.platform   = sunos5
[----- Environment Variables -----]
        PATH_INFO: /
        PYTHONPATH: /usr/local/mailman
        SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)

It seems to me that there's something screwy with Python's setup, since it
can't seem to find the time module. I think I need to reconfigure python
or mailman to use a different value for PYTHONPATH, but I'm not sure how
to go about doing so. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-Tom Shore

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