[Mailman-Users] Serialize?

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Thu Aug 29 00:08:00 CEST 2002


According to the website, 2.1 is a beta program not to be installed for
production use. Half my listss (and my most active list) are things I
volunteered to do for various reasons. But I do have a number of lists that I am
paid to host, which, by my lights, means that this is a production use.

Therefore, I quickly scan messages related to 2.1b3 and occasionally lust after
one or more features, but I'm not installing it. Are you suggesting now that 2.1
can be put in production?

What I'm hearing is that 2.1b3 seems actually to be running for a lot of folks,
some of them clearly with much larger installations than mine. If that's the
case, why don't you roll it out? Obviously you still have the ability to issue
patches, as you continue to do with 2.0. Personally, I'd just as soon upgrade to
2.1 as to make the final leap from 2.0.12 with the 2.0.13 candidate patch to the
actual 2.0.13. I'm brave enough for that, I think.

But not until you say so!


"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:

> >>>>> "AMK" == Ashley M Kirchner <ashley at pcraft.com> writes:
>     AMK>     Has anyone ever thought of some way to serialize outgoing
>     AMK> messages?  I realize this will probably mean one single
>     AMK> message per user (as opposed to what it does now, a single
>     AMK> one per multiple recipients), however I keep seeing requests
>     AMK> for this.  Some way to include the user's email address in
>     AMK> the body of the message, or something similar.
>     AMK>     Is there any other method of doing this, be it an
>     AMK> external script that does it before handing it off to the
>     AMK> MTA, something.  Ideas anyone?
> How about the personalization support that's already in MM2.1?
> -Barry
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