[Mailman-Users] archiving

Greg Westin greg at gregwestin.com
Wed Aug 21 17:23:35 CEST 2002

With all this discussion of archiving, I have to ask:  What does it say
about the developers' confidence in Mailman that this list isn't archived
by Mailman, but by an external service?  This is like when I was having
trouble setting up Mailman on Mac OS X, and then discovered that Apple
doesn't use Macs for its mail servers, it uses Sun computers.

It seems to me that if this list is archived externally, maybe I, too,
should look into that as an option. It also seems like this should be a
well-documented option, perhaps one recommended in the manual and install
files, if Mailman will continue to have sub-par archiving.

Am I missing something important?


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