[Mailman-Users] managing mailman lists through webmin version 0.990

Dene Ulmschneider dene at ulmschneiders.com
Mon Aug 19 18:10:58 CEST 2002

Does anyone here know how to redirect Webmin to look in a different 
location for the mailman files?

When I try to access the Mailman Manager through webmin - I get the 
following error:
Cannot find Mailman files! Do you have Mailman installed?
But I know I have mailman installed and working - it already has a few 
lists that are running correctly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Dene Ulmschneider
home:           718.322.6636
office:         718.738.8859
pager:          917.654.0479
toll free:      888.891.6385
email:          dene at ulmschneiders.com
pager mail:     denenow at ulmschneiders.com
"Life is too short...-...you  should have desert first"
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