[Mailman-Users] Retreiving e-mail list from Mailman / Reset Password?

Richard Barrett R.Barrett at ftel.co.uk
Thu Aug 1 11:01:40 CEST 2002

At 14:23 31/07/2002 -0600, Devin Atencio wrote:

>Is there a way in mailman to export a list of all currently subscribed users
>to a list? If so how is this done?


>Also if someone forgets the admin password to their list is there an easy
>way to reset the password for the list?
>Thanks in advance.

Login to admin web GUI for list concerned using the site password and 
change the admin password at the bottom of the General Options page, using 
the site password in place of the current list admin password to make this 
change on this occasion.

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