[Mailman-Users] Could not acquire qrunner lock error

Harold Paulson haroldp at sierraweb.com
Thu Apr 25 22:51:02 CEST 2002


You should not remove locks unless you are sure they do not belong to 
any running processes.  The files should have PIDs attached to their 
names, so it's not hard to tell.  One tactic might be to comment out 
Mailman's crontab stuff, disable web access for a sec, and then if 
there are no python processes running, remove the locks.  I would 
imagine you could corrupt something if you deleted an active lock.

Attached is a little Perl script that might help....or it might catch 
your box on fire and give you warts.  Read the comments and make sure 
they are true on your OS before running.

	- H

>My system ran out of disk space and thus, many of the Mailman 
>processes failed.
>After freeing up some space Mailman was not delivering mail and I found the
>qrunner logs had several error messages "Could not acquire qrunner lock"
>the Mailman locks directory contained several files.  After some trial and
>error I just deleted them all. 
>Is it safe or advisable to do a `rm -f /home/mailman/locks/*` in a situation
>like this?
>What is the course of action one should take?
>     Michael Rasmussen  aka  mikeraz
>    Be appropriate && Follow your curiosity
>    "They that give up essential liberty to obtain
>    temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
>				-- Benjamin Franklin
>      But keep in mind:
>>From Sharp minds come... pointed heads.
>-- Bryan Sparrowhawk


Harold Paulson                  Sierra Web Design
haroldp at sierraweb.com           http://www.sierraweb.com
VOICE: 775.833.9500             FAX:   775-201-4458
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