[Mailman-Users] List creation role per virtual domain?

Ian C. Purdie ianpurdie at integritynet.com.au
Tue Apr 23 01:12:59 CEST 2002

Jan Stap wrote:

> With the multi-domain functionality of Mailman 2.1b1, a user may
> moderate his lists and change the lists configurations. List creation
> is however a central role, so each user has to ask the server admin
> to create a list for him, which does not scale very much.

Raises an interesting point. Is it feasible for an individual user have strip
mime where other users, as a preference, don't want it?

I've run into the problem where some of my recipients are have their email
blocked by employers because of this issue. Personally I come from the plain
text school of thought.

I don't own the server, but I have my own domain name and own IP and the usual
100 Meg..

Apparently Mailman is common to all users and I'm given to understand strip mime
would affect others who didn't want it.

Ian C. Purdie

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