[Mailman-Users] Header options

William Nyden nyden at hermes.ssd.loral.com
Sat Oct 27 01:50:03 CEST 2001

I help administer a L-Soft ListServ list which is fast approaching the
500 subscriber limit for free licenses. While complex to maintain,
ListServ has some nice features which I haven't found on other list
software, including two that our subscribers have argued over:
subscriber control over the existance of a list-defined Reply-to header
line, and the option to not include the list ID string in the Subject

Currently in mailman, these header lines are controlled list-wide by the
administrators, and can't be modified for individual users.
Are there any plans to make these options subscriber-controlled?

Also Mailman adds a handful of list-related lines to the header. Is
there a way to turn some of these additions off?

Bill Nyden
 37° 25' 15" N     122° 04' 57" W
 William Nyden             |   CAD Systems Engineer
 Space Systems/Loral       |   nyden at ssd.loral.com
 3825 Fabian Way, Z-02     |   ph  (650) 852-4333
 Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA   |   fax (650) 852-5207

 "Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction?
  Fiction after all, has to make sense."
     - Mark Twain


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