[Mailman-Users] TFM & black hole syndrome

jgo john at nisus.com
Tue Oct 16 20:21:55 CEST 2001

> I really don't think RFTM is rude -- it's reality.
> If more people did it there'd definitely be less general
> confusion and that's, in fact, what the docs are for
> -- issues such as this.

Yah, the trick these days is figuring out which manual.
With mailman, we have mailman itself, python, sendmail
(or whatever), Apache (or whatever), several operating
system variants (with their own file tree & permission
schemes) & shells.

What is TFM for mailman?  Is it the admin web page,
list manager page, the READMEs, or something
completely different?

I've got Mac OS X 10.1 (with its pre-installed sendmail)
mailman 2.1
After the first pass fumbling about, I re-installed
python & mailman cleanly, then the next day logged into
the mailman account and did a newlist to create one for
testing.  That seemed to go OK.  Then I added a user
(different from list owner), checked that by having it
list the members, checked the config for the list to see
that it looked reasonable, then sent a message from that
user to the list... and it didn't get to either the admin
nor to the list member, nor did it bounce back as

One complication is that we've got another mail server at
the site (also running sendmail & a POP3), and another web
server (I think running Apache, but didn't set that one up,
so am not sure), but I'd like to configure all these parts
together on another system for managing the lists (getting
them on one box is one purpose of the exercise).

I don't see how the web pages get transformed from the
templates into something usable.  Does the list creation
do this?  (Hmmm, will have to muck about to look at those
scripts to see if I can find the ones involved.)  Where do
they get placed... or how do I control where they get
placed in the file hierarchy?

"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some
 strangeness in the proportion." --- quantum physics text

John G. Otto, Eagle Scout, Knight, Cybernetic Praxeologist
Existence, Consciousness, Identity, Life, Liberty, Property, Privacy, Justice

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