[Mailman-Users] unsubscribe not working

Emery Wang emery at havanastreet.com
Sat Oct 13 23:09:04 CEST 2001

Thanks Jon and JC for your answers. Unfortunately, that is too long a 
process to put our customers through. I need something that people 
can just click a link, and send out an email, and they're 
automatically unsubscribed. Requiring people to look up name and 
password and type it in is way too much work. Sometimes people forget 
they requested to be on our mailing list, and view it as spam. If so, 
we want to make the removal process as easy as possible for them.

So here's a possible feature request for mailman: a simplified 
unsubscribe option.

Anybody know of a good, non-cgi based email program that can do that?



Emery Wang
Havana Street, home of the world's greatest original 1940s style clip art

web site: http://www.havanastreet.com
email: emery at havanastreet.com
tel: 512-385-0438
fax: 512-857-0084

"I would have written a shorter letter, but didn't have the time."
-Mark Twain

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