[Mailman-Users] Mailman - unwanted subscriptions.

Mike Avery mavery at mail.otherwhen.com
Wed Oct 10 23:08:32 CEST 2001

On 9 Oct 2001 at 20:52, Timothy Brier wrote:

> Is there a way to ban a certain e-mail from subscribing to a list?

Yeah, but it's a waste of time and effort for 
determined troublemakers.  It takes about a minute to 
get a new email account on any of a bazillion free email 
servers.  So, I block briert at cepu.ca, and your next 
move is to become Timmy12386 at hotmail.com..... and 
you're back in.

Mike Avery                            
MAvery at mail.otherwhen.com
                                    Voice: (970)-642-0282 (home)
                                         (970)-642-0244 (office)
                                             FAX: (970)-642-0282
                                                   ICQ: 16241692
                                             AOL IM: MAvery81230

* Spam is for lusers who can't get business any other 
way *

A Randomly Selected Thought For The Day:
    Madness takes it's toll.  Please have exact change.

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