[Mailman-Users] HTML interface still quirky

Eric Pretorious eric at pretorious.net
Tue Oct 2 21:34:23 CEST 2001

The reason that I'm so keenly interested in Mailman is its Web-interface.
The promise of a customizable Web-interface is what differentitates
Mailman from all of the other MLM's. When I discovered last month that the
Web-interface wasn't quite so robust (the subscribe script and the the
handle_opts script both munge the HTML output.) I was crushed. But then
patch-level 1 came out and the world seemed to be a better place (at least
from the terminal that I stay chained-to 10 hours a day...)

The patch worked - or at least I thought it did. For the first few passes,
the HTML looked fine and then - BAM! - it started acting-up again. Now
subscribe and handle_opts have gone back to putting
"<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY bgcolor="#ffffff"> in front of any custom HTML.
I've completely removed the mailman (`/bin/rm -r /opt/mailman-2.0.6-1/*`
and `/bin/rm /opt/src/mailman-2.0.6-1/*`), re-unpacked the .orig.tar.gz
and re-applyied the patch, re-configured, and re-installed but the problem

What is happening? <caricature of Van Gogh's "The Scream" goes _here_>

Eric P.

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