[Mailman-Users] 2.0.7 installation problems

Forrest Aldrich forrie at forrie.com
Fri Nov 16 04:48:20 CET 2001

I've followed the installation directions and when  go to create a new 
list, I get errors on the web page saying it can't find the 
directories.   They are, in fact there, but "newlist" is doing this:


lrwxrwxr-x  1 mailman  mailman  45 Nov 15 22:39 test -> 
lrwxrwxr-x  1 mailman  mailman  50 Nov 15 22:39 test.mbox -> 

But there is also:


drwxrws--x  3 mailman  mailman  512 Nov 15 22:24 .
drwxrwsr-x  4 mailman  mailman  512 Nov 15 22:10 ..
drwxrwsr-x  2 mailman  mailman  512 Nov 15 22:24 test.mbox

So, I'm a little confused about that part, as it seems correct.

To try and get around any problems, I included Options All in the apache 
config for the cgi-bin directory; no go.

I configured Mailman with:

./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/home/mailman \
--with-cgi-id=nogroup \

Since nothing from the web perspective is working correctly, I presume this 
is a permissions or Apache configuration issue.

One suggestion, since Apache is commonly used, is to set up in the README a 
section that has a sample entry that people can cut & paste -- be it a 
VirtualHost entry or whatever.

I do have VirtualHosts defined, and tried making the Apache config 
directives in and outside of the VirtualHost definition for the default 
host.  No go.

This is on FreeBSD-4.4-STABLE.


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