[Mailman-Users] make install error

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Fri May 25 05:48:24 CEST 2001

>>>>> "v" == venkateswaran  <gv_indian at yahoo.com> writes:

    v> I have tried with pythin1.5.2 & python2.0. But same error. How
    v> to enable sha module?. In Modules/Setup there is a line sha
    v> shamodule.c. Is there anything more than this?

Nope, although I'm quite surprised this isn't enabled by default.  In
vanilla Python 2.0's Setup file, sha is enabled so it /should/ be
compiled in by default.

Did you uncomment the *shared* line?  If so, perhaps something broke
when you did a "make install" and you didn't notice it
(i.e. shamodule.so got built, but not installed correctly).  If
*shared* is commented out, then shamodule.o should be statically
linked into the Python executable.

Did you run "make tests" when you built Python?  Did you get any
errors during that process?  There's definitely a test_sha.py test for
that module.


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