[Mailman-Users] Permission Denied

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Wed May 23 18:16:14 CEST 2001

>>>>> "RJS" == Robert J Shepherd <Mailman at RobertJShepherd.com> writes:

    RJS> Sorry ... I should add that the error isn't just for the
    RJS> senddigests cron.  Here's two others, which suggest the error
    RJS> happens with every (or nearly every) use of config.db:-

Are the errors only happening with the cron jobs?  If so, then perhaps
you're not executing them under the mailman user and mailman group.
Perhaps you installed them in some other user's crontab, and that user
isn't in the mailman group.  Mailman's permissions are based on group
ownership, so you want to be sure that the files are rw for group
mailman and that any process that touches files lives in group

And no, I don't think upgrading will fix your problem, although I
still recommend it.  Mailman 2.0.4 stops some annoying warnings when
run under Python 2.1.  The Mailman 2.0.5 fix is a little more
important if you're running Python 2.0 since that will fix stale lock
turds that can occur when a user hits the stop button on their


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