[Mailman-Users] To bulk or not to bulk

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Tue May 22 18:59:28 CEST 2001

>>>>> "EG" == Enriko Groen <enriko at netivity.nl> writes:

    EG> Is there a way to change/switch off the "Precendence: bluk"
    EG> header in mailman?  For one of my mailinglists I would like to
    EG> turn it off to receive bounces at user-level.

It's not configurable.  If you wanted to make it configurable
per-list, here's how I'd do it (warning: Python hacking required):

Hack Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py round about where you see
msg['Precedence'] = 'bulk'.  Wrap this in a `if' test against some
made up attribute of the list, e.g.

    if not getattr(mlist, 'omit_precedence_bulk', 0):
	msg['Precedence'] = 'bulk'

Note that you must use getattr() because this attribute doesn't exist
on MailList objects by default.  However, using bin/withlist, add this
attribute to the list you want to not have the header on by doing
something like:

    % python -i bin/withlist -l mynonbulkylist
    Loading list stage (locked)
    >>> m.omit_precedence_bulk = 1
    >>> m.Save()
    >>> ^D
    Unlocking (but not saving) list: stage

This general approach works for anything else you'd want to customize
on a per-list basis, but which Mailman doesn't give you the option for
by default (read: RFC 2369 headers!).


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