[Mailman-Users] searching the archives

John-Paul Robinson johnpaulr at ehsmed.com
Tue May 22 00:07:46 CEST 2001

Could someone explain how to search the archives of mailman-users at the
Python.Org search page?   I can't seem to understand the "hint" in the
mailing list management page.

When I go to http://www.python.org/search I don't see where I'm supposed to
select the SIG archives.  All I see is how to search the Python Website,
newsgroups, FAQ, and vaults.  I've tried searching all of these sites for
"mailman virtual host" with very little success.

When I click the SIG link at the top of the search page I see the various
SIGs, but their aren't any options to search them.  Some help or a better
hint would be appreciated.


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