[Mailman-Users] Urgent request for assistance

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Mon May 21 04:23:25 CEST 2001

>>>>> "JL" == Jacques Leurs <jleurs at pt.lu> writes:

    JL> We recently set up Mailman version 2.00.

First of all, upgrade to Mailman 2.0.5.  May or may not fix your
specific problem, but it does have some important patches.
    JL> The transfer has been done very easy and smoothly the first E
    JL> zine with an attached cartoon has been handled by our
    JL> server. Since that day we are unable to send the daily list
    JL> again no matter what we try or how we try or worse how hard we
    JL> try.

Have you looked in the logs/error file, or your MTA's syslog file?  If
the system is generating errors, they'd likely show up in one of those
two files.  Is Mailman's qfiles/ directory just filling up with the
messages you're trying to send out?  If so, maybe qrunner isn't
running.  Do you have stale locks in the locks/ directory?  Usually
those are only going to occur because of some other error, so again
the log files are your friends.  Is the message getting through
Mailman but choking on your MTA, or the remote MTAs?

Lots of questions, and I'm sure there are plenty of people on this
list who would be willing to help, but we'll need more information!


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