[Mailman-Users] Vhosts with Mailman 2.05

N6REJ n6rej at tcsn.net
Thu May 17 10:20:34 CEST 2001

Hello all.
Pardon me for really sounding lame, but I'm having a heck of a time finding
any documentation that explains how to modify mailman so that it will answer
for vhosts also.
for example, the servers domain is worldspecialt.net
however, I want to be able to send emails to lists that reside at
staff.worldspecialt.net, gcdb.org, etc....
I'm sure there must be a straightforward way to do this, and that I'm just
overlooking the obvisous.
I'm using apache 1.3.19 and postfix.
Also, can we make it so that the admin functions of the lists reside in SSL

Thanks in advance

n6rej at tcsn.net
"I do not understand what I do, for what I want to do I do not do but what I
hate I do"
Rom 7:15 NIV

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