[Mailman-Users] [mailman-owner at babylon5.babcom.com: Your new mailing list: test]

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Fri May 18 08:27:45 CEST 2001

>>>>> "PS" == Phil Stracchino <alaric at babylon5.babcom.com> writes:

    PS> It turned out that what was missing was this:

    | <Location /mailman/>
    |     SetHandler cgi-script
    | </Location>

    PS> This wouldn't be needed, of course, if mailman was configured
    PS> with --with-cgi-ext=.cgi, but there's nothing in the
    PS> documentation that says it needs to be.

I've never had to do this (with very vanilla Apache 1.3
installations).  I'll add this to a readme as a possibility.


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