[Mailman-Users] question about authentication

John Rudd jrudd at cats.ucsc.edu
Tue May 15 00:05:06 CEST 2001

How do you authenticate that a user is who they say they are when
they're entering subscription requests at the web interface?

Do you do a mailback for confirmation?  (I think this would actually be
a minus, due to the nature of our users)

Do you provide a password mechanism to avoid the mailback?  If so, can
it interface with kerberos?

I don't know if you're familiar with Athena, Moira, and Moira's
"listmaint" software, but we're looking to replace the Athena mailing
list software with something new, and mailman sounds promising.  I just
need a way to authenticate unsophisticated users... and we tend to use
our kerberos realm more as a distributed password system (that has
better security than NIS) than as an ultra-secure authentication system.

John "kzin" Rudd                       http://www.domain.org/users/kzin
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