[Mailman-Users] Mailman newbie question

Haisam K. Ido haisam at ido.org
Sat May 12 05:42:00 CEST 2001

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Eric Schmitz wrote:

> Greetings!
>    I'm brand spankin' new to this list, but I already have a question.
> (I suppose that's why I joined!) Does anybody know of a way to easily
> convert an existing majordomo list to Mailman?
>    Also, is there a FAQ somewhere for this list? Thanks!

Add members to a list from the command line.

    add_members [-n <file>] [-d <file>] [-c <y|n>] [-w <y|n>] [-h] listname


    --non-digest-members-file <file>
    -n <file>
        A file containing addresses of the members to be added, one
        address per line.  This list of people become non-digest
        members.  If <file> is `-', read addresses from stdin.

    --digest-members-file <file>
    -d <file>
        Similar to above, but these people become digest members.

    -c <y|n> 
	set whether or not to send the list members the `there's going to be
	big changes to your list' message. defaults to no.

    -w <y|n>
        set whether or not to send the list members a welcome message,
        overriding whatever the list's `send_welcome_msg' setting is.

        Print this help message and exit.

        The name of the Mailman list you are adding members to.  It must
        already exist.

You must supply at least one of -n and -d options.  At most one of the
files can be `-'.

> -Eric Schmitz
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users maillist  -  Mailman-Users at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users

Haisam Ido

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