[Mailman-Users] Re: remove this?

Harold Paulson haroldp at sierraweb.com
Wed May 9 17:44:17 CEST 2001

>Same with hacking list-*. The general consensus among those of us who've put
>time into understanding this issue is that it's a very good thing for the
>long-term development of mail list technologies. Short term, it's at best a
>minor irritant, and that's only to people with cruddy mail clients (consider
>it an incentive to upgrade to soemthing decent).

For what it's worth, I use Eudora and rather like that it displays 
headers that it doesn't recognize.  Sure it scares the lusers, but I 
love that it tries to inform me when it sees something "weird".  They 
were simple enough to turn off in any case.  Of course it will be 
nicer when it supports the RFC...

	- H


Harold Paulson                  Sierra Web Design
haroldp at sierraweb.com           http://www.sierraweb.com
VOICE: 775.833.9500             FAX:   810.314.1517

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