[Mailman-Users] Installing mailman on RH7.1

Joe Copeland joe at LADWP.net
Wed May 9 02:55:00 CEST 2001


I'm installing Mailman from the tarball off of list.org and am having
trouble getting the URL http://www.deangelus.com/mailman/admin/test to work.
"Test" is the name of a test list I created with ./newlist.

RH7.1's disto of Apache runs with the group set to apache (user id nubmber
48).  I didn't realize that the first time I tried to install it but I do
now.  So I reinstalled.

I did the following as the user mailman

make clean
./configure --with-cgi-gid=48
make install.

I'm still having problems getting mailman to work.  I believe I followed all
the instructions for installing mailman properly.  I think I may be having a
problem with the Apache configuration.

Can someone give me some clues on how to properly set apaches configuration
directives for my virtual host www.deangelus.com.  Here's what I got in my
httpd.conf file.

ServerName www.deangelus.com
ServerAlias deangelus.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/deangelus.com/public_html
ErrorLog /var/www/deangelus.com/error_log
CustomLog /var/www/deangelus.com/access common
ScriptAlias /mailman/  /home/mailman/cgi-bin/
Alias /pipermail/  /home/mailman/archives/public/

<Directory /home/mailman/cgi-bin>
Allow from all
Options ExecCGI

Is this correct??  I'm winging it here and it's not working.



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