[Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?

Tom Perrine tep at SDSC.EDU
Sat Mar 24 00:32:08 CET 2001

>>>>> On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:47:24 -0600 (CST), Jerry Adlersfluegel <jerrya at jerrya.net> said:

    Jerry> I haven't done exactly what you're asking about, but I THINK you should be
    Jerry> able to: create the list; move the mbox into the appropriate place in
    Jerry> ~/arch/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox ; run ~/bin/arch listname.

    Jerry> Try that with a test list and smaller mbox file, to keep the time down
    Jerry> while you're figuring it out. arch can take a long time with a large mbox
    Jerry> file.

This *seems* to be working.  Of course, I found out the hard way that
my mail archiver was on crack in 1994;  I've never even seen some of
the message formats in this old archive file.

Other than that, "arch" *seems* to be doing the right thing.


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