[Mailman-Users] Replacing the To:/Cc: fields?

Eva Isaksson eva at vihrealiitto.fi
Sun Mar 18 10:41:05 CET 2001

There was a functionality in majordomo that I've been missing
in mailman - the option to skip the To: and From: fields in the 
mail that is sent to the list, and to replace them with a 
standard To: header that only has the list's address in it.

I wonder whether it is at all possible to do this with mailman?
(Note: this is _not_ about setting the Reply-to field!)

In my majordomo installation, it went like this:
Instead of a generic resend script, each list would have its
own tailored resend script, resend.listname 
with these modifications:

  # skip these special headers
            || (/^to:/i)
	    || (/^cc:/i)
   # add new header fields
   print OUT "To: Test Mailing List <listname\@example.net>\n";

This made it possible to curb crossposting to other lists and
individuals, and to have 'cleaner' headers, from which the
list as a recipient was immediately clear. 

But mailman seems to keep any and all recipients as long as
there aren't more than are specified in max_num_recipients.

I've waded through documentation, but found no leads for this.

-- Eva
 Eva Isaksson * eva at vihrealiitto.fi * Eva.Isaksson at Helsinki.Fi

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