[Mailman-Users] mail loops: list-request and vacation messages

J C Lawrence claw at 2wire.com
Tue Jun 26 07:39:11 CEST 2001

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 23:39:32 -0400 
bob  <Puff at NLE" <bob at nleaudio.com>> wrote:

> Hmm, can't say I've seen the long turnaround, but you could still
> play with the numbers, based on the fact that the mailbot will
> generate one reply for every message it receives.  In other words,
> you could make a rule something like:

>   Any given user cannot post more than 10 messages in a 24 hour
> period.

> I think this is how Lyris handles such things.

As I previously wrote, this will break, and painfully so, at the
very times you don't want it to.

That said there are more interesting patters which can be used, such
as keeping the MD5 hash of the message bodies (not the headers!) for
the last N messages from each user.  It may break, but it will tend
to do so less catastrophically.

J C Lawrence                                       claw at kanga.nu
---------(*)                          http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
The pressure to survive and rhetoric may make strange bedfellows

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